Chakra: Crown (7th) Howlite Qualities: Protecting of upper chakras, cleanses the aura, enhances appreciation of all things. Purifies the blood, reduces phlegm. Loving and calming stone. May aid bones, teeth. Good stone to stop procrastination Formula: Ca2B5SiO9(OH)5...
Chakra: Root (1st), Sacral (2nd) Carnelian Qualities: Motivation, clarity, expression, decision making. Very protective stone on all levels. May aid lower back problems, lungs, reproductive organs, PMT, self esteem, happiness Formula: SiO2 Zodiac: Pisces, Virgo,...
Chakra: Crown (7th) Amethyst Qualities: Creativity, memory, motivation, courage, focusing attention and intuition. Self love. May aid the endocrine and immune systems. Fantastic for any sleep problems including nightmares and migraines Formula: SiO2 Zodiac: Pisces,...